The Matter and Energy of STANYS is the theme for this year's conference.
Pre-Service Individuals: You must be registered with STANYS as a Pre-service Member to attend the Conference (see Membership Form web page) Use your membership email address when registering.
Pre-Service Fees are: Full Conference ($40), Saturday Only ($20), Sunday Only ($20). Monday Only ($20) A Pre-service Breakfast is included with a Conference registration.
Attendance at the Conference includes workshops (Saturday - Sunday - Monday), attendance at the Annual Meeting (STANYS awards and keynote speaker), Exhibits Hall, various social gatherings and other concurrent activities.
Add on options include: Friday Night Event, Dinners ($30 each), Additional Breakfast ($20 each)
PAYMENT is by Credit Card (Online), Check or P.O.
Personal Checks and P.O.s should be received by Wednesday Nov. 2nd at the latest. If we do not have your payment/P.O. on record prior to the Conference you will be required to provide this in-person at the on-site registration. This includes having an active membership (one that has not lapsed before Nov. 8th).
Check - mail to:
STANYS Data Manager
P.O. Box 2121
Liverpool, NY 13089
P.O. (PDF file) should be emailed.
Email to:
Coronavirus Policy (SARS-CoV-2)
STANYS continues to monitor and follow the latest recommendations from the CDC, New York State, and Onondaga County regarding precautions to take regarding COVID-19.
At this time, mask wearing is recommended for individuals that are unvaccinated. Other individuals may use their own discretion regarding whether or not to wear a mask.
If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, you are strongly encouraged to test yourself and isolate yourself from others.