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Excellence in Science Teaching Awards

Teachers whose careers exemplify STANYS’s mission receive the STANYS Excellence in Science Teaching Award at the Annual Conference. These members demonstrate excellence in teaching, leading, and providing opportunities for all students to participate in and learn science.

Each awardee will be invited to the November STANYS Annual Conference with hotel and conference registration covered by STANYS.

The award is presented at the Awards Ceremony on the first night of the conference at the general meeting prior to the Key Note Speaker.

Excellence in Teaching
Award Recipients 2024
Elementary (K-6)
see Anton Banko Award for Elementary Science

Debra Zupko

Little Britain Elementary School

Washingtonville SCD, 2nd Grade


Dr. Alecia M. Redway

PEARLS Hawthorne School
Yonkers, NY

Excellence in Teaching
Award Recipients 2024

High School

Daniel Kurzen
Skaneateles High School
Skaneateles, NY


Jeffrey Radloff Ph.D

SUNY Cortland
Cortland, NY

Application Process

The Nomination Form should be submitted by before May 15 of the next Annual Conference year and approved before an Application is submitted. A nomination can be by a colleague, Administrator or by an individual.

Once a nomination is approved, the candidate can complete and submit their application.  All application materials must be submitted electronically by July 15 to: Dr. Helen Pashley, Awards Chair -  
The Awards Committee will review all applications thoroughly, and the winners will be notified by September 1.


It is suggested that you read the following overview carefully to understand what components are included in a successful application.  Please note, you must be a current member of STANYS to apply for an excellence award. Membership details may be found here

I. Philosophy of Science Teaching

Our organization’s mission reads as follows: “The Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS) promotes excellence in science education. Its mission is to work with educators and communities to provide opportunities for ALL students to participate in and learn science.”

Describe your vision of what constitutes excellence in science education and how it relates to our mission.

II. Implementation of Philosophy of Science Teaching
Describe how you attempt to make your philosophy a reality in your classroom or educational setting. For example, you may describe your approaches with sample lessons or units, curricula initiatives aligned to the current standards, projects, special programs for students, and community service, etc.

III. Effectiveness of the Philosophy
Provide clear evidence to demonstrate your success in implementing your philosophy. Evidence should include several of the following: samples of student work, classroom photos or videos, newsletter articles, webpages, blogs, published work. Evidence must include several letters of support from any of the following: students, parents, colleagues, administrators, supervisors, etc.

IV. Professional Involvement
Describe professional activities in which you have been involved in the past three years. Activities could include, but are not limited to:

  •  Workshops presented at the district, local, state, or national levels.
  •  Published materials
  •  Resources created and shared with colleagues.
  •  Conferences (attended and/or planned)
  •  Offices held in professional organizations
  •  Awards or Honors from other organizations e.g., local (PTA, district), college, (NYS or MfA) Master Teacher, National Board Certification, NY State Teacher of the Year, PAEMST, NSTA etc.
  • Grants
Scoring Guide
  2 Philosophy Does it reflect the mission of STANYS?
  5 Implementation Effectiveness of strategies to meet the philosophy.
  5 Effectiveness Quality and variety of evidence that illustrates successful outcomes
  2 Professionalism

Evidence of teacher as a learner and leader in the science teaching field.

14 = Total number of points.

Contact Information:
PO Box 2121
Liverpool, NY 13089-2121


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