An award-winning documentary titled "Jim Allison: Breakthrough", which is a moving, true story of one warm-hearted, stubborn, scientist’s visionary quest to find a cure for cancer is available to educators and their students.
A Film can be a powerful instructional tool in the classroom and "Jim Allison: Breakthrough" is no exception. Whether or not your students are interested in pursuing the sciences, everyone should know more about what scientists do and see the human side of their lives.
Thanks to generous underwriters, the film is available as a teaching tool at no cost to educators. We also have an accompanying guide we created with educators that includes discussion questions, writing prompts, and research questions.
Given the nationwide move to distance learning as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to let you know about this free online resource. Educators can send a link to their students to view the film and will receive a free Educators Toolkit, complete with NGSS and AP Bio aligned lesson plans, lab activities, career exploration activities and more! Great for virtual or in-person classrooms, appropriate for high school and college-aged learners. (Uncommon Productions)
You can learn more and sign up here:
"Breakthrough highlights how courage, passion, determination, collaboration, and innovation can change the world and inspire hope against huge odds. We hope that this story of how science can solve some of our most pressing problems today can be of inspiration to students."
It is appropriate for high school and post-secondary audiences and themes covered include:
- Basic Science
- Biology
- Cancer
- Character Study
- Human Perseverance
- Invention and Discovery
- Scientific Method